Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Random things I love to do.

1. Chewing spearmint gum then taking deep breaths and exhaling to feel the icy freshness in my throat.
(Be careful not to swallow or choke on the gum,enjoy with precaution)
2. Writing "To-Do" Lists.
3. Flossing and Brushing my teeth to feel the squeaky clean feeling.
4. Braiding or putting my hair in a bun when I study.
5. Color.
6. Understanding bits and pieces of conversations in a foreign language. (Spanish, Vietnamese..etc)
7. Sharpening my pencils. (Ticonderoga pencils are my favorite)
8. Watching creepy movies/shows in the dark, covered in blankets.
9. Being hilarious...(at least I think I am funny, hmmm)
10. People watching.

With Love,       